Top 20 NuGet cryptography Packages

Chaos.NaCl cryptography library
SIMON and SPECK are families of lightweight block ciphers; those block ciphers are efficient and provide high performances across a wide range of devices. This package includes classes that allow you to encrypt and decrypt using native libraries that are using SIMD such as AVX2 or NEON.
BouncyCastle.Crypto is a cryptography API providing: -Generation and parsing of PKCS#12 files. -X.509: Generators and parsers for V1 and V3 certificates, V2 CRLs and attribute certificates. -PBE algorithms supported by PBEUtil: PBEwithMD2andDES-CBC, PBEwithMD2andRC2-CBC, PBEwithMD5andDES-CBC, PBE...
A package to digitally sign and verify data(i.e. documents,etc)
A .NET wrapper to invoke a C implementation of Argon2.
A library containing classes to deal with some crypto functions at a convenient level. [Note: This library is not quite ready for public consumption--I'm in the middle of some code reorganization]
Security helpers and extensions for System.Security.Claims.
Fluent assertions related to Moon.Security.
Symmetric, hashed and base64 utility methods and extensions
Zephyr is the namespace for utility libraries in Synapse; Zephyr utilities are suitable for stand-alone usage outside Synapse. Synapse is a lightweight execution engine for unifying federated data sources and processes. The Crypto utilitiy library supports RSA and Rijndael encrryption and Base64 enc...
.NET Standard 1.3 implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework (revision 33 of the spec)
.NET Implementation of Elliptic Cryptography for Features: - Generating K1 or R1 keys; - Signing data by K1 or R1 keys; - Verifying signature;
Advanced Resilient Mode of Recognition
Tools for hashing, encoding/decoding and encrypting/decrypting data.
Cryptography extensions for strings and arrays of bytes.
RFC 3161 time-stamping client library
Nequeo cryptography component
Songhay Security for legacy systems (net20)
A cryptographic library useful for securing communications using HMAC SHA256