Top 20 NuGet crypto Packages

Provides modern cryptographic algorithm implementations for .NET based on libsodium. Commonly Used Types: NSec.Cryptography.Aes256Gcm NSec.Cryptography.Blake2b NSec.Cryptography.Chacha20Poly1305 NSec.Cryptography.Ed25519 NSec.Cryptography.HkdfSha256 NSec.Cryptography.X25519
Managed .NET wrapper for unmanaged PKCS#11 libraries
Argon2 Password Hasher written in C#. Uses Isopoh.Cryptography.Blake2 for hashing and Isopoh.Cryptography.SecureArray to protect sensitive data.
A fixed, enhanced and namespace compatible version of BCrypt.Net port of jBCrypt implemented in C#. It uses a variant of the Blowfish encryption algorithm’s keying schedule, and introduces a work factor, which allows you to determine how expensive the hash function will be, allowing the algorithm to...
Blake2 hash for sensitive data. Uses Isopoh.Cryptography.SecureArray to assure sensitive data gets wiped from RAM and, if the operating system allows, never gets written to disk.
Nethereum.Web3 Ethereum Web3 Class Library to interact via RPC with an Ethereum client, for example geth. Including contract interaction, deployment, transaction, encoding / decoding and event filters
Encoding and decoding of ABI Types, functions, events of Ethereum contracts
Nethereum.RPC Ethereum Core RPC Class Library to interact via RPC with an Ethereum client, for example geth.
Keystore generation, encryption and decryption for Ethereum key files using the Web3 Secret Storage definition,
Nethereum.Accounts Ethereum Accounts and Transaction Managers Class Library
Nethereum.Model Ethereum Core Model Class Library
An easy-to-use crypto API.
An implementation of Blake2 for .NET that integrates with the standard crypto libraries
An implementation of Argon2 winner of PHC Usage follows standard types found in System.Security.Cryptography in corefx. Specifically DeriveBytes. C# Implementation of the Argon2 1.3 spec with variants for Argon2i, Argon2d, and Argon2id
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Engine Project - Core engine and datafeed implementation
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Brokerages Project - A collection of brokerages for live trading and backtesting
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: API Project - C# SDK for interaction with the
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Algorithm.AlgorithmFactory Project - Factory for instantiation of QCAlgorithm algorithm objects to be used with LEAN
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Algorithm.CSharp Project - A collection of C# algorithm demonstrations for how to use the API
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Launcher Project - Main startup executable for live and backtesting