Top 20 NuGet container Packages

UnityContainer implementation of the Shuttle.Core.Container dependency injection interfaces
Unity Configuration
Targets files to enable the Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes.
Add Postgres container specific functionality.
A set of standard Kubernetes features and functions
PraxiCloud libraries offer a range of common functions, features and base classes to use when building solutions, increasing the time to delivery.
Unity adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET providing Web Request Reuse
Self-contained single-user file system written in C#.
Super-set of MEF attributes. In addition to Export/Import contains attributes to support modern IOC (DryIoc) features.
KickStart Extension for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
The AspNetCore MVC integration library for the singularity ioc container
PowerShell module to manage Docker containers.
DryIoc extension for OWIN
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET providing Web Request Reuse
Unity adapter for NLog
Implementation of CommonServiceLocator for DryIoc container, see rationale at
Paged container control for winforms.
KickStart Extension for log4net
Lightweight IoC Container based on service factory delegates generated at compile-time by DryIoc. Compile-time delegate generation minimizes run-time IoC setup time to Zero.