Top 20 NuGet container Packages

Zoomable Container hosting Floating Windows with Zoomable Content
Provides Autofac container adapters for Rebus
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET SignalR
A simple and fast IoC Container for .Net
Cheers StructureMap Container
Extension library for Castle Windsor container. Decorator Registration, ResolveByName resolver, AppSetting resolver
IoC implementation for the Autofac container.
Componente y contenedor de inyección de dependencia con unity. Este componente puede ser usado en cualquier capa con el proposito de configurar un contenedor de inyeccion de dependencia con Unity.
Autofac container integration for Xer.Cqrs
Simple full-featured automocking framework
A SimpleInjector plugin for FeatureSelect
boost_container-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.11.37.
In memory docker container runner for NinjaTools.FluentMockServer
Containerized Static Text Widget for entering static text into a page builder section.
Microsoft Azure Container Instance Management Library
AppServices is an open source Service Container with IoC and Dependency Injection for .NET Full, Compact and Silverlight/WP7 (Windows Phone 7) Refer to for usage examples and more details.