Top 20 NuGet color Packages

ColorThief implementation for vvvv gamma
ColorBlender implementation for vvvv gamma
A collection of various WPF controls used to select colors. See documentation and usage examples in the project repository, Supports .NET Framework 4.5.1+, .NET Core 3.1+, .NET 5 - 7 Originally developed for PixiEditor:
Color your console app output functionally in a Fable.React-style way.
ColorPicker dialog for MahApps
Piczard is a FREE image manipulation library developed keeping focus on ASP.NET needs It provides a variety of tools that can help you to manage images in your ASP.NET applications: - PictureTrimmer: The world's most awesome WYSIWYG image cropping tool for ASP.NET. - An expandable set of classes and...
A code for grabbing the color palette from an image. Uses C# and .NET to make it happen.
Quick and easy console colors for C#/*nix
Color Picker U8 an umbraco 8 property editor that allows editors to select their own color. This Highly configurable color picker is based on the Spectrum jquery plugin. Visit : for more information about Spectrum.
A jQuery plugin that adds the ability to do color animations to jQuery. NOTE: This package is maintained on behalf of the library owners by the NuGet Community Packages project at
Library providing functionality to help when creating .NET Console applications.
A colorful QR generator and decoder based on ZXing.Net. You can generate QR code using all RGB channels or only Monotone colors.
This library contains several useful classes: - ColorConverter RgbToHex RgbToCmyk RgbToHsv RgbToHsl RgbToXyz RgbToYuv RgbToYiq HexToRgb HexToCmyk HexToHsv HexToHsl HexToXyz HexToYuv HexToYiq CmykToRgb CmykToHex CmykToHsv CmykToHsl CmykToXyz CmykToYuv CmykToYiq HsvToRgb HsvToHex HsvToCmyk HsvToHsl ...
ColorPicker Shared Library for WPF and Avalonia packages