Top 20 NuGet ci Packages

The internal analyzers to use.
Midori includes a number of helpers for common functionality needed during builds, including: * Sql - Create dbs with SMO, execute SQL scripts, backup / restore and copy MDBs. Ship MDBs as part of a build, or run intgration tests against a fresh DB. * HipChat - send notifications ...
template your web.configs with mustache
makes msdeploy not mental
PowerShell deployment scripts for use with AppVeyor Continuous Integration.
ContinuaInit initializes several variables in a configuration for you. This console application will automatically integrate with Continua CI and set several variables based on the current context.
Reusables modules used in the aid of a .NET build and release cycle
A PowerShell based tool which controls a software project build process.
Executes all of your config transforms on build to streamline your delivery process
A UWP API for reading from and writing to a siren of shame device using the HID USB protocol. Provies notifications for when a device is connected and disconnected. Allows reading led and audio patterns available as well as playing those patterns on the device.
Tools to keep build pipelines sane while .NET Core matures
Library to create and use COMB (timestamped sequential) GUID variants for Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL. See the GitHub site for more details.
Database build and continuous integration tool - MySQL
Tooling support for cross-platform build automation. Apply this package to projects using MSBuild, such as a C# project (MSBuild).
Veronique is a simple yet powerful command line tool helping versioning your software projects automatically during the build process.
Automatic build versioning with support for consistent build versioning across developers builds, CI builds and official release builds.
The internal supporting resources for packaging.
The internal ReSharper DotSettings to use.
The internal supporting resources for repository configuration.