Top 20 NuGet ci Packages

Build, test, package, tokenize, deploy websites and windows services.
An MSBuild project integration that makes it easy to keep version numbers synced across all projects in a solution based on a simple date scheme and user provided major / minor version numbers. Provides a single source of truth for versioning, and modifies it at build time as necessary to keep asse...
CIBuild.Scripts is build scripts to create nuget packages and publish it to nuget server.
Common library for integration with Kepler - QA tool for screenshot-based testing.
Integration with Kepler - QA tool for screenshot-based testing.
Basic utilities for performing UI tests based on selenium on CI servers.
The BSON messaging library developed for Photon based on the Newtonsoft BSON serializer.
This provides a check to monitor a CI/Build server for new builds and then extract and publish build stats from your StoryQ, SpecFlow, NCover reports. Also provides base classes to build new parsers and build notifiers.
CIBuild.ILMerge is build script to merge reference assemblies used internally.
A C# wrapper for the Atlassian Bamboo REST API. Please note that this current version has only very base functionality as I begun this project for work but will be continuing over the next few weeks. If you think this could be of use please keep an eye on the github repo....
This is a cross platform command line tool that enables you to modify project.json file. You will usually need this for your build scripts when you want to patch project.json file for version increments, or adding release notes.
Tools to keep build pipelines sane while .NET Core matures
Provides the Help target that dynamically lists available targets and properties in the current project.
Is Ci (is-ci) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
FSec is a tool for automatically running security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities in an application, including: XSS, XML Bomb, XPath injection, SQL injection, URL tampering, URL bogus, ...
This Cake module adds support for the npm package manager when installing tools in your Cake build scripts. This Module is compatible with Cake v5.0.0.