Top 20 NuGet ci Packages

.NET Core beta version of Bounce.Framework
Architecture example of continuous integration, continuous deployment of packaging and version management with dev-ops tools: automation
🎚🎛 Event-Catcher with variety of advanced Actions to service projects, libraries, build processes, runtime environment of the Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, and … Control everything: Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, CI, and more … Open Source Project:
Provides contracts for creating test runner and test workflow plugins for Meissa distributed test runner.
FSec is a tool for automatically running security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
FSec is a tool for automatically running FsCheck security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
FSec is a tool for automatically running API security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
Continuous intergration and deployment services.
Build pipeline parser, named for its grunt like ability to parse build output and dump it out as something meaningful
template your web.configs with mustache
An example of how to get started with PowerUp build and deployment framework
A new build framework for C# projects.
This Cake module will introduce a number of features for running in hosted CI build environments to tightly integrate with the host environment/tools.
Provides contracts for creating test runner and test workflow plugins for Meissa distributed test runner.
MSBuild.Xrm.SourceControl provides a simple but powerful method for extracting Dynamics 365 customisations. The extension uses PowerShell scripts that can seamlessly extract customisations from a Dynamics 365 instance and then subsequently rebuild them into a zipped Solution file ready for import wh...
GitLabApiClient is a .NET rest client for GitLab API v4.
An API for Customer Insights. Currently in beta. Please use the Source Repository or Project Site to raise any issues or open a PR to enhance the code base. Thank you for considering this package in your development use.
Package Description
Cake extension for creating release notes based on closed GitHub issues and for publishing GitHub releases
NChurn is a utility that helps asses the churn level of your files in your repository. Churn can help you detect which files are changed the most in their life time. This helps identify potential bug hives, and improper design. The best thing to do is to plug NChurn into your build process and s...