Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

Unofficial .NET Wrapper for V3 of the What3Words API. This wrapper fully implements all methods in the What3Words V3 api.
Real-time chat server based on MongoDB and SignalR with support of permissions.
A simple C# common library. Free and open source.
C# UDP multicast message library
This is modern version of Telegram.Bot for c#
.Net library to simplify cryptography in so developers will actually use it
GoDiscover Web provides a framework for creating self-organizing object website model hierarchies through the unique combination of the Managed Extensibility Framework introduced in .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4.0 and the .NET language's support for interfaces and generics.
Advanced Windows Forms controls
Provides extension methods for the older static methods on basic .NET types, allowing myString.IsNullOrEmpty(), for example
C# Sqlite Port for Windows phone 7 and possibly Silverlight 3, 4. The core engine was slightly modified to be used with IsolatedStorage and SqliteClient were ported by using missing codes from Mono project in order to maximize usability and portability from desktop.
Library to connect to Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation for receiving market data and placing / managing trades.
This project contains the Nohros Ruby interfaces for the .NET language.
A library to help those poor souls still stuck in the dark ages of Visual Basic 6. DMC12-Serializer loads VB6 UDTs (Universal Data Types, i.e. structs) into .NET objects, and produces VB6-compatible dumps.
Yeah, you can access json with dynamic & Json.Net. But why can't we have the old static way? Is there no one miss the happiness of working with intellisense? There must be a easy way. 动态调用RestAPI返回的json, 确实很简单 但是你自己要封装一个SDK给别人,你好意思给人家说明书让人家看着说明书动态调用么? 看着动态调用里面写着...
This project contains the Nohros Ruby extensions for the .NET language.
NScripto is a lightweight, fast C# script engine for enabling embedded C# scripting for advanced end users.
A simple "stateless" finite-state machine library for .NET.
MS Build tasks for not so common needs.
This project contains the Nohros security framework. Which is a port of the JAAS for the .NET.
This is a drop-in wrapper on top of the classes for interacting with a Leap Motion - it allows for the handling of gesture recognition similar to what you would find in the world of iOS: simple listeners and events abstracted as high as they can go. **IMPORTANT** There are some steps that you must ...