Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

Pact core for interaction with FHIR resources
A .Net Core library for retrieving Overwatch player stats.
Generates a C# proxy for communicating to a RESTful Web Api that implements the WebApiProxy provider
Wrapper for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 Spreadsheet control for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 RichTextEditor control for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Common classes for the wrappers for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 controls for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the KendoUI Grid control for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the KendoUI Editor control for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Common classes for the wrappers for the KendoUI controls for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Logger for .NET Core Apps
A JSON serializer/deserializer library written in pure C#.
A library to manage files in an organized, efficient and simple manner.
Wrapper for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 Spreadsheet control for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 RichTextEditor control for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
Common classes for the wrappers for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 controls for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the KendoUI Grid control for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the KendoUI Editor control for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
Common classes for the wrappers for the KendoUI controls for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET