Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

Blowdart UI is a C# library for creating user interfaces.
基于 Ping++ 官方 SDK 包编写的 .NET Standard 库,支持 .NET Framework 与 .NET Core。
FParsec.CSharp is a thin C# wrapper for FParsec. Documentation: Release notes: Declare nullability correctly for Opt() and when unwrapping parser replies.
.NET Standard implementation of IOTA Area Codes
Roslyn powered analyzers for C# to support defining immutable types
.NET 4.6.1 IOTA ZMQ C# Port
A tool which sorts the files from TestDisk.
Pact core sql lite implementation for interaction with FHIR resources
Asynchronous TCP C# library for server applications.
Lightweight library for access to Apache Kafka, the basic functionalities are working,
.NET Standard 2.0 Command pattern (GOF) implementation extension for C# (CSharp) WPF .NET Framework. MIT Licence free
.NET Standard 2.0 Command pattern (GOF) implementation extension for C# (CSharp) .NET Framework. MIT Licence free
A reusable library for working with Akka.NET actors and actor systems.
Backblaze.Agent is a high-performance .NET Core implementation of the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage supporting dependency injection, caching and logging.