Top 20 NuGet attributes Packages
Model Validation for Universal Apps through delegate method invocation per-property or DataAnnotation styled attribute validation. Universal apps targeting Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 lack built in, easy to use data Validation, so ValidatableBase was created.
Ninject extension that allows to automatically bind a type with configuration provider throught attributes.
Autofac extension that allows to automatically bind a type with configuration provider through attributes.
AngleSharp is the ultimate angle brackets parser library. It parses HTML5, CSS3, and XML to construct a DOM based on the official W3C specification.
This package makes a FromHeader attribute available in order to get values from request header straight from controller parameters in ASP.NET WebApi
Extend objects with attributes at runtime.
Package Description
Extension of Enum allowing to retrieve any attributes on any enum values.
Decorates enumeration values with a title attribute. Useful for displaying a label for the enumeration value to end users.
This package provides
1. Attribute based exception handling on actions
2. Inline Exception handling on actions
3. Exception chain
Commands is a .NET Standard 2.0 attribute based command framework.
> The project is still in early development
## Features
* Command Aliases
* Command Summaries
* Parameter Parsing
* params keyword support
* Parsers are extensible to custom types
* ICommandContext that stores information about rel...
A way to validate models through the use of attributes.
A way to validate models through the use of attributes.
Reflection Extenions
Package Description
Custom Attribute
Package Description