Top 20 NuGet assembly Packages

delete the own assembly from the output directory
The Engine leverages a set of Service Managers in order to facilite when Code Generation is absolutely required.
Easily execute commands and queries from SQL files stored as embedded assembly references, for Entity Framework Core.
A .NET global tool that outputs information about an assembly.
Package Description
Display version information for all (or some) DLLs included in your ASP.NET site.
SlimShader.Compiler transforms HLSL source code into SlimShader objects ready for use in SlimShader.VirtualMachine
SlimShader.VirtualMachine is an HLSL virtual machine for .NET
Tool for computing a list of reference assemblies in loading order
HlslUnit is a unit testing library for HLSL shaders
Library comparing different versions of an api using reflection to ensure compatibility with third party components. NUnit integration.
Library comparing different versions of an api using reflection to ensure compatibility with third party components.
Simple cache wrapper for projects. Supports Filesystem and InMemory out of the box
sigdump is a tool for creating C# stubs from a dll
CIL Assembly Manipulator (CAM) .NET addition provides a working CILReflectionContext factory. This library will fill the gaps left by CAM Portable version.
CIL Assembly Manipulator (CAM) provides high-level API to read and emit CLR assemblies and modules. CAM is currently available for .NET 4 and Windows 8. Mono support and Windows Phone 8.1 support are incoming.
The BitPantry Assembly Patcher is a small utility that can patch your AssemblyInfo.cs version using a flexible and pluggable version pattern approach.
Adds current Git hash to assembly version, so it looks like
The easy way to modify an assembly from the inside, using Mono.Cecil.
An extensible library for resolving and loading COM classes in .NET