Top 20 NuGet assembly Packages

This library contains the patching attributes for the Patchwork assembly modification framework. You must reference this library from your patch assembly.
This library provides a fluent API to search, filter, transform, and cache .NET types by probing applications (using private-bin folders), directories, files, and AppDomains, and assemblies.
Contains the SDK reference assemblies for PowerShell version 5
This implements managed wrappers to GAC API Interfaces.
PCL Extension provides an Assembly and AppDomain extension for .NET, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android. This makes it easier to create cross-platform .NET libraries and apps.
Syntactic (Semantic) Versioning for .NET libraries heavily inspired in elm-package (bump and diff)
Library containing NuGetAssemblyResolver interface, which provides uniform way for both .NET Desktop and Core to dynamically load assemblies from NuGet packages and dependencies.
Blur provides a fluent and minimalistic way to edit assemblies from the inside, using Mono.Cecil: - Expression / Method printing to MethodBody. - Compile-time mixins. - Custom attributes.
Adds MSBuild targets to C# projects that rewrite the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion values depending on the most recent GitFlow "release-{version}" branch found. Also writes the Full SemVer version into the environment variable "CI_Version" so tools in a build pipeline can pick up the...
Replaces all instances of {YEAR} in copyrights with the current year. Works with the MSBuild Copyright property and AssemblyCopyright attribute. Assign the <CopyrightYearAssemblyInfo> property in your project file as your input assembly info file if you're using an one different from Properties\Ass...
This tool will restore the given NuGet package and then execute a method within the restored DLLs. The method does not need to be marked as entrypoint, and it may contain other parameter types than the default string array type.
This tool will deploy the given NuGet package by copying the DLL and generating .deps.json and .runtimeconfig.json files, or by copying all non-framework assemblies into single folder.
Afonsoft Extensions for linq, Enum, Regex, String, Assembly, DateTime, DataRow, Object, Exception, Task
Adds helpers to easily bootstrap into a webjobs or azure functions application by just using the correct extension method. This adds additional configuration, logging and service injections by convention.
Code.Generation.Roslyn facilitates code generation driven by fit for purpose custom attributes.