Top 20 NuGet assembly Packages

Missil is a set of extension method for chaining ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode) calls.
Raw PE file models for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
PE image models for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
High level .NET image models for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
Reads and writes .NET assemblies and modules, Windows PDBs and Portable PDBs. For better *Windows PDB* writer support, you should add a reference to `Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native` nuget package too, see the dnlib README for more info: . You don't need to...
Provides a ConventionHostBuilder that can be used during unit tests or anywhere else you wouldn't bootstrap an entire application
Adds support for loading configuration, services, logging, command line and more via simple and easy to setup assembly attributes
Provides the ability to provide additional commands to the hosted application by convention.
A fast and lightweight .Net library for reading and writing .class files.
nX-U8/100 Disassembler
Stamps an assembly with a Timestamp.
Allows validation of a .NET assembly via MSTest using parameters supplied by an assembly_manifest.json file.
A package containing several common utilities.
The base library for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
Provides the ability to provide additional commands to the hosted application by convention
Provides the ability to provide additional commands to the hosted application by convention.
A version checker for an application
a collection of my useful extension methods. is module for Ant4C program.
BizTalk Server 2020 runtime assemblies.