Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélites en español para ASP.NET Razor.
ASP.NET Optimization introduces a way to bundle and optimize CSS and JavaScript files.
Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélites en español para ASP.NET Web Pages 3.
RIAServices.Server provides the System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting and System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Server assemblies in place of the GAC references, making bin-deployment easier. The web.config.transform adds the necessary configSections, HTTP modules, and system.serviceModel element...
ASP.NET Web API support for MvcCodeRouting. For System.Web hosting install the MvcCodeRouting.Web.Http.WebHost package.
The GoogleRecaptchaMvc is a .NET library used to create the html control of Google Recaptcha for mvc.
AspNet Identity Azure Table Storage Implementation.
The GoogleRecaptchaWebForms is a .NET library used to create the server control of Google Recaptcha for web forms.
RavenDB job storage for Hangfire
Common library for RestBus clients.
NSwag: The Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
Package Description
Revalee is a Windows Service used to schedule callbacks for web applications. It simplifies a web application's workflow when events are required *after* the normal handling of web requests. This library allows Revalee callback requests to be easily embedded in web application code. This NuGet pack...
Improving web api, mvc, and mediatr integration