Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

An ASP.NET ViewEngine that uses javscript to render markup (for universal rendering)
Smart container library ASP.NET Core extensions for .NET
PayFast Integration Library For Asp.Net Core
A fork of Strathweb.CacheOutput.WebApi2, with support for redis.
A token based authentication library for AspNet Core.
ASP.NET unit of work modules for CoreDdd library
TimeWarp Templates for ASP.NET Core Blazor
In this package you can build your mvc core project quickly. This library can help you to create token, and get that when you want to use. You can inject the authmanager and ben's custome filter.
Swagger Generator for API's built on ASP.NET Core
Auto Health Check abstractions.
Library for API versioning support in Microsoft ASP.NET Web API
HtmlHelpers for managing scripts for Razor Partial Views and Templates in ASP.NET MVC
Provides an endpoint for ASP.NET Web Api services to serve a JavaScript proxy and metadata.
Extremely easy way to print Pdf in Aspnet Mvc fork of original or
The API Explorer for Microsoft ASP.NET Web API Versioning and OData v4.0.
Extends Swashbuckle with OData v4 support! Supports both WebApi and OData controllers!
This package helps you to solve expression function in unit test moq framework.
Allows to substitute variables from configuration, this way hostnames, or passwords can be separated and automatically substituted if another configuration entry references them. Scenarios could be that you have the password from an Azure KeyVault and the connection string defined in appsettin...
Documents the ASP.NET Web API using the Swagger specification. Swagger.Net targets .NET 4.0 and will expose any apis the inherit from the ApiController in the new ASP.NET Web API. Swagger.NET aims to conform to the Swagger specification to support all swagger components including client code gen.
Hawk Http Authentication for ASP.NET Web API