Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

NSwag: The OpenAPI/Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
NSwag: The OpenAPI/Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
SAML2 protocol support. Do not use directly, use the high level package for your platform.
SAML2 protocol support. Do not use directly, use the high level package for your platform.
ASP.NET Core authentication handler for the SAML2 protocol, compatible with Asp.Net Core 2.X
This package allow BlazorMobile to be compatible with an ElectronNET server-side Blazor application, so you can use the same project structure and interoping calls either on Mobile (BlazorMobile) and Desktop (ElectronNET)
O package possui classes de criptografia, tratamento de imagens e validações.
A minimal RPC framework for ASP.NET core.
Thunder web framework where productivity and performance go together
appsettings.json writer
WebBackgrounder.EntityFramework is an implementation of the IJobCoordinator for WebBackgrounder that uses a Database (via EF Code First) as the synchronization mechanism (aka a mutex) for coordinating jobs.
ASP.Net identity utilities for Azure
FeatureSwitch Asp.Net UI library
Builds api endpoint information / documentation dynamically by reflecting over the controllers and actions.
Builds api endpoint information / documentation dynamically by reflecting over the controllers and actions
Provides an endpoint for ASP.NET Web Api services to serve a JavaScript proxy and metadata
ASP.NET zero-configuration HttpModule for preventing Denial-Of-Service attacks
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi with Owin Bootstrapper for .NET web projects