Top 20 NuGet alexa Packages
A simple .NET Core library for handling Alexa Skill request/responses.
A .NET Core library for handling Alexa Skills Management API
Small helper library to allow Alexa.NET skills to work with APL
.NET library that simplifies Alexa skills development; same object model as Amazon's AlexaSkillsKit for Java
Some helpers for streamlining Alexa C# Lambda functions.
Breaking changes:
- AlexaIntent no longer has the parameters passed into the ctor
- The old container is gone in favour of AutoFac
- Registering dependencies is done via RegisterDependencies
-- This enables ctor injection to work in any Inten...
Contains POCOs for serializing an deserializing Alexa requests and responses, including support for display directives for the Echo Show. It also includes handlers for requesting user profile data and device data as well as sending progressive responses for long-running requests.
A simple .NET Core library for handling Alexa Smart Home Requests.
.NET library that simplifies Alexa skills development; same object model as Amazon's AlexaSkillsKit for Java
Core SDK package that contains the Standard Skill implementation of the ASK SDK for .Net Core.
Alexa SDK (alexa-sdk) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Compiled static object model of Amazon Alexa Request/Response specification.
For more information:
A framework to develop GitHub WebHook receiver hosted in AWS Lambda.
Helper package to more quickly add the Alexa Sound Library to Alexa.NET SSML Responses
Amazon Alexa Skills SDK for .NET
Alexa Voice Service (alexa-voice-service) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A simple .NET Core library for handling Alexa skills using the Customer Profile API
Core SDK package that contains the basic components and default implementations of ASK SDK for .Net Core.
ASP.NET Core Middleware package that contains middleware components for ASK SDK and ASP.NET Core.
Small helper library for Alexa.NET based skills to access the reminders API
Small library to help with the Alexa ProactiveEvents API