Top 20 NuGet adapter Packages
Only two APIs are provided: the IAdapterService and its facade extension method As in the Adapters type.
You can chose to use the former service directly instead of the convenience extension method. You don't
lose any testability in doing either way, although yo...
Light-weight, portable logging interface. Combine with PortableLog adapters for logging frameworks or write your own.
.Net Adapter for Drools KieServer
Adapter Library to communicate with SharePoint 2013. CSOM wrapper: will install CSOM NuGet Package as well.
Bunyan Winston Adapter (bunyan-winston-adapter) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Axios Mock Adapter (axios-mock-adapter) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pouchdb Adapter Websql (pouchdb-adapter-websql) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pouchdb Adapter Node Websql (pouchdb-adapter-node-websql) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pouchdb Adapter Memory (pouchdb-adapter-memory) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pouchdb Adapter Localstorage (pouchdb-adapter-localstorage) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pouchdb Adapter Leveldb (pouchdb-adapter-leveldb) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pouchdb Adapter Idb (pouchdb-adapter-idb) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pouchdb Adapter HTTP (pouchdb-adapter-http) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pouchdb Adapter Fruitdown (pouchdb-adapter-fruitdown) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
BoardView is a custom view that allows you to be able to re-order items in a list as well as in a board. You can drag and drop items between columns as well as drag and drop columns.
Adapter between the BHoM and network sockets
Provides a generic adapter of any Recycler view that will be used in your Xamarin.Android application
Xamarin.Android Binding for Arthur Ivanets Adapster, an Android library designed to enrich and make your RecyclerView adapters more SOLID
NmpDataCollector is a unit test data collector that can be used to collect .NET Memory Profiler data, retrieve memory usage information, and perform memory assertions within the unit test.
Add this data collector to the .runsettings file to run the unit tests under the .NET Memory Profiler tool...