Top 20 NuGet adapter Packages
PlatformAdapter helps to adapt between platform-independent and platform-specific assemblies at runtime.
DryIoc implementation with Autofac surface API
The PPWCode common to Log4Net adapter library
Visual Studio test adapter for Expecto. Shows Expecto tests in Visual Studio's Test Explorer, and also enables them to be run in Visual Studio Online builds.
Common Logging Adapter for Elmah. Unlike similar packages, logs the HttpContext if that is available.
The provided adapter pattern allows to convert any object to any other supported type, as provided by the registered adapters.
This package provides the actual implementation of the service. It should only be added to the bootstrapping component of your application.
Database adapter. In that version only for mysql but it should give a single inteface for all databases.
My implementation of a combination of patterns
NSpec.VsAdapter is a test adapter to run NSpec tests from Test Explorer in Visual Studio. It runs tests from projects targeting classic .NET Framework.
It is available both as a Visual Studio Extension (for VS 2013, 2015) as well as a NuGet Package (for VS 2017). VS Extension for 2017 is under deve...
An Android library to easily display attribution information of open source libraries. Ported to Xamarin.Android by Rofiq Setiawan.
The provided adapter pattern allows to convert any object to any other supported type, as provided by the registered adapters.
This package is a convenience grouping of all three separate pieces, for cases where you want to deploy all of them in a single project.
The provided adapter pattern allows to convert any object to any other supported type, as provided by the registered adapters.
This package is a convenience grouping of all three separate pieces, for cases where you want to deploy all of them in a single project.
Componente transversal de la arquitectura. Contiene un conjunto de clases y/o contrato para operaciones de cache, seguridad, loggin, operaciones con archivos, email, ect.
NChronicle is an extensible logging and output library allowing centralized management and distribution of log messages to a number of logging destinations (known as 'Libraries').
NChronicle.CommonLogging is a configurable adapter Library for the NChronicle logging framework, allowing you to forwa...
Adapter between the BHoM and MongoDB
Xamarin.Android Binding for Arthur Ivanets Adapster, an Android library designed to enrich and make your RecyclerView adapters more SOLID
Provides the implementation of an API and service to perform general purpose adaptation of one type to another via registered adapters.
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.Adapter.Implementation
Provides an the public API to perform general purpose adaptation of one type to another via registered adapters
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.Adapter.Implementation