Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

.Net form generation platform.
Provide an easy and professional way to download files. * It Provides High Performance in downloading by using the new API System.IO.Pipelines * It supports Resuming * It supports File Segmentation * File Streaming
General-purpose C# assistance library. See GitHub for more. Wingman is split into multiple packages. This main library installs all other Wingman packages.
Linguist WPF extensions provide strongly typed resource localization, formatting and pluralization directly from XAML with full support for the XAML Designer.
WPF matrix extensions.
A WPF control to display log events.
Generic IList and ISet implementations that implement INotifyCollectionChanged and IBindinList
A set of controls and styles converting your WPF application into a great looking Modern UI app.
Package Description
WPF dark theme and controls for .NET Core and .NET Framework
A WPF Canvas which allows easy connecting elements. Each element on the canvas can have zero or multiple in and outputs. These inputs and outputs will snap together.
GraphShape is a .NET graph layout framework based on Graph#. It contains several layout algorithms that allow various kind of layouts (FR, KK, ISOM, LinLog, Simple Tree, Circular, Sugiyama, Compound FDP, Random). It also provide overlap removal algorithms such as FSA (or One Way FSA) algorithms. T...
LightningChart® .NET is the fastest 2D and 3D WPF data visualization toolkit for science and finance. 3 WPF APIs included: - Non-Bindable for best performance - (Semi-)Bindable WPF API for MVVM development - Trader API with easy-to-use TradingCharts, technical indicators and technical analysis L...
自己用的WPF轮子,封装好ORM + UI框架
流式细胞仪数据文件FCS图表显示控件。 支持门的绘制、数据过滤,有多边形门、四边形门、段选门、线门、四象限门。 支持散点图、直方图、密度图、等高线图。