Top 20 NuGet uwp Packages

Set the Windows 10 task bar icon to a number or glyph with this package for UWP/UAP projects.
A base library for creating universal application with Caliburn Micro.
Xamarin core libraries
CrossFileHelper helps you to jump start to do file related functions in a quick and easy way.
Provides support for communication between Uwp and .NET Framework Desktop Bridge apps. This package is for Uwp apps.
Provides support for communication between Uwp and .NET Framework Desktop Bridge apps. This package is for .NET Framework apps.
This is a Ninject MvxIoCProvider for MvvmCross.
This library contains an implementation to control cameras on Windows devices.
32feet.NET is an open-source project to make Bluetooth networking easily accessible from .NET code across platforms.
Lightweight extension library for UWP UI controls
A Xamarin Portable Class Library (PCL) and set of implementations for a cross platform HTML label.
App Service Helpers (ASH) makes it as easy as possible to add data storage and authentication to your mobile app with Microsoft's Azure App Service Platform. ASH was built with the mobile developer in mind, and requires no previous experience with backends as a service (BaaS). In just four lines of...
Controls classes for Universal Apps
Expansion pack for Xamarin providing enhanced MVVM, controls, effects, and much more.
Code editor control for UWP
Rest library for consuming apis in a fluent and strong typed manner.