Top 20 NuGet uwp Packages

Tomato Media Effect Library for media processing.
Handy Serialization for WinRT. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
A simple library for Universal Windows Applications (UWP/UAP) providing easy access to information about pressed modifier keys in KeyUp/KeyDown routines, including the ctrl/control, alt, shift, and Windows keys. An extension method in NeoSmart.Uwp.ModifierKeys extends KeyRoutedEventArgs with a Modif...
A simple 2d uwp engine
Version for .NET 4.0
This plugin, built on top of the Sqlite-net library, allows you to add a SqLite database to your projects with a sigle line of code
UWP specific implementations for the QIndependedStudios.Obex library.
A collection of viewmodels, helpers, controls, and more for MVVM based projects. Assumes you are using MVVMLight as your framework.
A collection of IValueConverter for UWP apps.
Controls for UWP apps.
Emoji Picker Dialog for UWP
32feet.NET is an open-source project to make Bluetooth networking easily accessible from .NET code across platforms.
This is a simple project to allow ease of access to Applications Settings in a Uwp application.
Add google authentication to UWP application. Based on google example. OAuth 2.0 for Mobile Desktop Apps
A custom view for Xamarin.Forms supporting multiple children views along with scrolling navigation to the views.
Eyedropper can pick up a color from anywhere in your application. Zoom in to see every pixel of color to choose from.