Top 20 NuGet uwp Packages

This is my useful Windows Runtime library
CompositionHelper for UWP Composition API. You can use Composition API by a easy way.
Tomato Media Library for media playback and processing.
You can be friends with UWP App. And You can do anything to it!
This package contains a 'UserInteraction' plugin for MvvmCross v6
Portkit.Net is an implementation collection of network and http design patterns.
Sparkiy Microsoft Windows Store Analytics API client.
L3GD20H Gyroscope library for the Universal Windows Platform
Logitech F710 Gamepad library for the Universal Windows Platform
LPS25H Pressure Sensor library for the Universal Windows Platform
LSM303D 3D Compass and Accelerometer library for the Universal Windows Platform
PCA9685 PWM Controller library for the Universal Windows Platform
SRF02 Proximity Sensor library for the Universal Windows Platform
KoduStore makes marries objects and LevelDB UWP in a delightful way. It's a really basic document store with support for primary and secondary index support; this will solve most of your problems. Right now it's a PCL (for UWP).
An Universal Windows apps (UWP) Device Client Library for various common AllJoyn devices. For the Universal Windows Platform (Windows 10).
HttpLibrary.Net PCL is an open source, minimal library to allow .NET and Mono applications to access web resouce by http request and response. By inheriting Request and Response classes, function can be implemented in unified way. Multithread access is supported. Request can be classifie...
HttpLibrary.Net PCL is an open source, minimal library to allow .NET and Mono applications to access web resouce by http request and response. By inheriting Request and Response classes, function can be implemented in unified way. Multithread access is supported. Request can be classifie...
Yet another MVVM library.
Yet another Universal app library.