Top 20 NuGet test Packages

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Common configuration, helper and abstraction classes used by other TestEasy packages
Light object model shim that abstracts Selenium WebDriver operations and simplifies running test automation with multiple browsers. SeleniumShim uses implicit retry until timeout loops within calls to FindElement and user actions on IWebElement objects which solves race conditions and problems with ...
Public Website For JBRipps
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) wrapper for .NET MsTests
FasterTests is a parallel unit tests console runner for NUnit
A test library to see how nuget packaging works
Just a test
Test publish package to nuget
Krystan's little test package to demonstrate easy package creation
Tessler UI Testing Framework
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Write test cases for BDD, generate the documentation running your tests and keep it tied to your code.
NSpec.Runner allows you to run NSpec through Visual Studio's text explorer as well as NUnit.
This package only for test
Test NuGet
A collection of small utilities for testing.
A fluent interface based powershell unit testing framework.
JBO little test package