Top 20 NuGet test Packages

Library of reflection helper methods to simplify building tests
Unit Test Injector is a set of classes that aim to facilitate the unit tests development, especially when implementing the Dependency Injection pattern.
Package Description
A library for system-level testing in .NET.
Just a test package
Assert multiples properties when comparing an object and get the right feedback :-)
ein Projekt an der FHNW im Modul ecnf
FrameworkAbstraction provides wrapper interfaces around .NET framework classes which interact with the operating system (e.g. classes in the System.IO.File and System.Net.Sockets namespaces). This allows for mocking of these classes in unit tests.
A simple and easy to use load testing framework for .NET
This library contains the DgmlTestModel class which you can use to execute a DGML test model. The execution state is writen to a named pipe so that the DGML Test Monitor VSIX package can animate the progress during test execution.
It is helper with extension
This lib is to helper tester to automation the SAP Gui
Package description
Test your mapping between domain model, view model and database layer easily and effectively. SampleValueSetter traverses the object deep and set values on each property, increasing from the seed value. ObjectComparer compares two objects to see if any properties are the same, or any properties are ...
Tests the nuget feed
Tools package for Kekiri
The Fluent Builder Pattern without all the manual work.
Tests .Equals(), .Equals<>(), Operators, GetHashCode() and EqualityComparer.
In-memory testing the full SignalR pipline