Top 20 NuGet template Packages

VsTemplar generates Visual Studio project template from provided projects: *.csproj, *.fsproj etc. Generated .zip file contains .vstemplate file(s) and project(s) content of included projects. It can be further used in .vsix template generation.
JavaScript library built with Fable + FSharp
.NET Core 2.0 WebApi Application
.NET Core 2.0 WebApi Application
Roslyn analyzers for VB UWP apps
A rewrite of the Antlr Stringtemplate engine that uses no external libraries as well as has the abaility to be expanded with your own implemented IOutputWriter for cutom output types as well as IComponent for parsing custom tokens.
A library designed to take a mustache style template file and generate a javascript file from it that can be used on a website to generate the page content from function calls and a passed variable object when necessary.
ASP.NET Core with React.js (Fiber) template using ES6.
Distribution client library
Resharper compiled extension solution template with tests ReSharper 2018.1.0
Suave Template
BenchmarkDotNet C# project template
Nancy template for web services including a few helpful libraries, for the full list of the libraries see the github page on the project url.
This is a boilerplate templates for ASP.NET Core Web Applications with a modern UI based on AdminLTE.
Templates for `dotnet new` used to help create your own projects and source repositories.
Templates for creating course content for Xamarin University's self-guided learning portal
Templates for Microsoft Teams apps. Install or update the template: dotnet new -i MicrosoftTeams.Templates Develop an outgoing webhook: Develop a messaging extension:
This library allows populating Excel based template from C# data objects.