Top 20 NuGet template Packages

Handy Resources Service for WinRT. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
Wox Plugin template for dotnet-new.
The StringBuilder is optimized to append text and compromises other methods like Replace(..). The TemplateBuilder is available on the StringBuilder as an extension method ‘ToTemplateBuilder()’ and is optimized for replacing variables with values within the templated string. The TemplateBuilder is o...
Very basic templating with basic functionality to cover most use cases, like email templates.
Templating Custom Activity for UiPath.
Embed template tags inside open office documents.
.NET Core library for reading, manipulating and writing powerpoint files using templates.
EzMail is a simple Razor Class Library designed to simplify the sending of email in .Net Core 3.1 apps.
Package Description
Distribution client library
This is the Edtter Template based on HappyForest template. (Edtter is a sample application for ASP.NET MVC 3 in Japan.) This template is for ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update - Internet Application project template and Razor (cshtml). And you need to delete Site.css, _ViewStat.cshtml and _Layout.cshtml fil...
A Template for HTML5 in VS2010
Text template system for .NET 3.5 and 4.0 written in C#.
WarmuP is a solution level token replacer. You keep your templates in source control so you can maintain changes to them. This will install to C:\NuGet\ and will update your path variable to include C:\NuGet\bin. Please see
A client script for transforming URLs into embed code.
Package for helping with rapid development of Bootstrap MVC sites
This project allows you to provide any web application with views, stylsheets and scripts embedded in an assembly by using the virtual file system of ASP.NET.
The T4 template searches the template's project to look for non-static, classes, with no constructor. A constructor will be added per class that will take all private instance fields of that type as input.
Transform all ResX files in a project into a strongly typed, compiled assembly. Access your translations directly from inside .cshtml & .aspx files. Bind your translations directly to a ViewModel. Use it again in your dlls to return localized error messages. Pull translations directly into localized...
Yeah, you can access json with dynamic & Json.Net. But why can't we have the old static way? Is there no one miss the happiness of working with intellisense? There must be a easy way. 动态调用RestAPI返回的json, 确实很简单 但是你自己要封装一个SDK给别人,你好意思给人家说明书让人家看着说明书动态调用么? 看着动态调用里面写着...