Top 20 NuGet template Packages

Simple Fable App
Core template interfaces for data acquisition
F# .net core Web API Template
This package requires TypeWriter: After installation you may need to remove signalr-1.0.d.ts installed with signalr typings.
Render/bind .Net objects into Excel via Templates. Binding can be bi-directional. Manage objects, rows, cells selections. Add decorators, dynamic menus, buttons into your templates...
Simple elmish application using React as a renderer
Logic-less templates in JavaScript.
Expecto .net Template
Hub3c Base Template
Minimal template for dot net core microservice.
Create a simple Bot with ASP.NET Core Web API
Create an ASP.NET Core Web API ready to for AWS Lambda
Create an ASP.NET Core Web application ready to run on your Raspberry Pi
This package requires TypeWriter: After installation you may need to remove signalr-1.0.d.ts installed with signalr typings.
A dotnet-new template based on the Javascript Services angular template and OpenIddict
Fable Template for Libraries
MSBuild task that renders StringTemplate4 templates before compilation. Usage details reside in the GitHub repository.