Top 20 NuGet task Packages

Outsorcery is an open-source library for adding distributed computing capabilities to your software. It is scalable, customisable and asynchronous.
A helper library for unit testing code using the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP).
Takes care of the boilerplate code required to install and run a Windows Service. TaskRunnerService makes it quick and easy to implement and debug services, freeing you to focus on your business logic.
Startup tasks that configures IIS Application Pools to not idle and removes periodic recycle.
Command Dispatcher, Processor, and Distributed Task Queue. Provides a framework for orthogonal concerns.
NCommand.Console is a .NET library to parse command line arguments and map them to commands.
Task runner build on the top of .NET 4.5 framework
A library providing advanced task features like communication with tasks and simple exit and waiting methods.
Serialization helpers for simple serialization of .Net class objects.
Common library for consuming software DEVelopment and software OPerationS library which includes a task runner capable of managing configurable light weight tasks.
Adds CodeSmith Generator Command line and msbuild support to Visual Studio 2022 or automated builds.
Parallel tasks executing library.
Source code package. A class containing methods for synchronously waiting on a Task, preventing deadlocks due to the presence of a synchronization context. Useful as a temporary solution until you can flow async all the way through.
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) SQL.MSbuild assembly contains abstract SQL-oriented MSBuild task, and task which reads file and executes SQL statements contained within.
Lightweight framework for common centralized synchronization scenarios.
This package provides a C# based durable task framework for writing long running applications.
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) MSBuild.Abstraction assembly contains skeleton implementations for MSBuild tasks which use CBAM packages.
This project is a bridge between UtilPack.ResourcePooling project and custom MSBuild tasks.