Top 20 NuGet sitecore Packages

Diamond is a framework for Sitecore. It contains a few basic Interfaces and Classes that can be used to construct objects that represent Sitecore.Data.Items.Items but include a few features not found in the native Sitecore API. Diamond is intended to be paired with a code generation tool such as ...
A Sitecore Extension providing additional Standard Values Tokens.
*Please notice: This package is not supported by Sitecore A/S* Requires Sitecore 7.1. Contains more than 70 new SPEAK renderings that wrap 85% of Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2. Additional renderings include: - FuelUX Spinner - InlineStyle - AjaxDataSource - StaticJsonDataSource - Debugger - KnockoutMod...
Constellation.Html contains two useful features: 1. Extension methods for HtmlTextWriter. - Internally these methods use an IDisposable pattern to encapsulate the rather cumbersome code for adding attributes, rendering the begin tag, and rendering the end tag. The extension methods should ge...
Constellation contains a number of very useful Sitecore utilities: A Datasource Resolver that automatically escapes XPath statements for use by "query" and "fast" A rule and event framework that allows programmers to explicitly specify required conditions for parameters that are typically not ...
Extending Constellation.Sitecore.Items for Sitecore: Constellation.Sitecore.Items for Team Development for Sitecore provides example T4 templates for use with your Hedgehog Development TDS plugin. This library also includes a number of ...
A framework for creating a strongly typed model of the Sitecore API
A framework for creating a strongly typed model of the Sitecore API. Sitecore WebForms projects.
Using a configuration file, it is possible to create "blueprints" representing different kinds of sites used in your environment. A small web utility allows you to select a blueprint, specify some languages and other restrictions, then creates a new site based on your specifications. The sy...
Modern Climate Shared Library
Sitecore Multisite Http module, allows mulitsite handling of 404, & 500 errors, along with custom robots.txt generation
Sitecore Azure Build Verifier scans Sitecore Azure deploys to verify full file path length against Windows path length limits.
A Sitecore module to allow payments through Paymill API
A .NET library for deserializing Sitecore item files into strongly typed objects * Requires the Sitecore Kernel binary
Lightweight framework for automating Sitecore item to model class binding
Sitecore.ItemBinding extension for Sitecore MVC support
TDS T4 templates for generating template classes for the Sitecore ItemBinding Framework