Top 20 NuGet sitecore Packages

This tool helps you to get an easy overview over your cached items for websites and its children.
Update visual name; all files which are located deeper than 1 directory now got the prefix "|--"
Sitecore.Glimpse.MVC5 is a Glimpse plugin for debugging and gaining diagnostics from Sitecore powered websites
The abstractions over default Sitecore 7.0+ implementation of SqlServerDataProvider which help to customize and replace the original components.
A module for people who want to keep track of Item and Template changes while working on new features. It enables you to automatically track those changes and add additional Items manually to the process. At the end of your work, you can generate an Item Package which contains all those changes with...
This module indexes fields from datasource-items, which makes it possible to retrieve searchresults when using content-blocks.
This package extends the backend functionality of Sitecore - see more informations under the project url
Automatically create datasource locations
Module handling wildcard item resolving and link generation
SignalR support for Sitecore 9.x
Linq to Sitecore library. Provides basic linq functionality to the Sitecore items.
Lightweight content delivery runtime familiar to Sitecore developers, based on ASP.NET Core. You can choose to use Sitecore as a backend for managing content or you can roll your own
VERSION 10.3 is compiled for Sitecore 10.2 use and will not work on earlier versions. Requires Sitecore 10.3 Requires .NET 4.8 Constellation is a collection of utilities for .NET CMS implementers. The Foundation.Context namespace contains a contract for context-sensitive objects along with a contex...
VERSION 10.3 is compiled for Sitecore 10.2 use and will not work on earlier versions. Requires Sitecore 10.3 Requires .NET 4.8 Constellation is a collection of utilities for .NET CMS implementers. The Foundation.Caching namespace contains a Cache facade class that allows a developer to cache an obj...
Atlas is the Deloitte Digital Framework for Sitecore Development
This package contains samples that implement features within Sitecore.Services.Client (SSC) component. The SSC component is a framework around ASP.NET Web API that makes it simple to implement service layers that access Sitecore over HTTP. MIT License
Propeller Logger is an log4net appender for sitecore which make send events directly to logstash
This package extends the image upload process with an automatic image analysis powered by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services
Framework to help Creating Autodata when unit testing Sitecore