Top 20 NuGet reporting Packages

Allows you to install templates which can help you to use EasyQuery components in your ASP.NET Core project: create new controllers and views, add necessary script files, etc.
Provides a proxy like HttpContent implementation that reports the upload progress.
Permite usar HTML para los reportes.
Permite usar CSV para los reportes.
Permite generar reportes en base a plantillas.
Xamarin (Android/iOS/Windows Store and Phone and UWP) plugin to log, record exceptions, and eventually provide insightful reports (e.g. functionality-X fails under conditions Y and Z on platform P)
.NET Reporting
HockeyApp core library. This package is a dependent package for all other HockeyApp packages. Please install the platform specific package for the best experience.
SDK for building Flow Steps, Forms, Rules, Reports and more in Decisions. Decisions is a visual workflow and rule engine environment for the enterprise.
SDK for building Flow Steps, Forms, Rules, Reports and more in Decisions. Decisions is a visual workflow and rule engine environment for the enterprise.
Create an issue on Azure Boards when a new error is logged on
ReportGenerator converts XML reports generated by OpenCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, Cobertura, JaCoCo or Clover or into human readable reports in various formats. The reports do not only show the coverage quota, but also include the source code and visualize which line has been covered. U...
Log errors to through an Azure App Service. .NET Framework 4.6 or higher required.
BugSplat crash reporting for .NET Standard 2.0 platforms. For .NET Framework crash reporting see
Send SMS messages through Twilio when new errors occur on
Create a card on Trello when a new error is logged on
Azure Service Bus client for RSMassTransit, a MassTransit message bus interface for SQL Server Reporting Services