Top 20 NuGet reporting Packages
This library Juniper contains Azure business reporting utils and uses an high level
computation expression on top of the EPPlus excel package to create efficent excel reports. uploader for .NET Code Coverage. Supports opencover and visual studio's codecoverage.exe on windows, and monocov for mono
(Modified to target .Net Core 3.1)
Provides report viewer components for Crosslight development, featuring seamless integration with Intersoft ClientUI Reporting Server.
ProgressReporter estimating remaing time, remaining cycles (iterations), keeping track of average cycle duration. TransferProgress in addition keeps track of current and average bitrate,
In-cloud exception aggregation and analytics.
SharpDevelop Reports comes with a WPF-based reports designer and runtime that can be freely included in your applications. Version 5 is rearchitected for better programmability and performance
Epicycle .NET commons library. Contains various utilities, file system abstraction, reporting and more. Used by other Epicycle packages.
* Details & release notes:
* Sources:
A lightweight reporting engine
Post a chat message to HipChat when new errors occur on
A playground for developing apps for showing the various possibilities.
A forked from SpecResults project to provide the ability to generate test result in cucumber format.
A forked from SpecResults.Json project to provide the ability to generate json file in cucumber format.
Provides text file reporting capability to App Metrics
Biblioteca com facilitador para geração de relatórios utilizando Reporting Services.
Easy-to-use test run reporter for SpecFlow and NUnit 3 unit test provider
Easy-to-use test run reporter for SpecFlow and MSTest unit test provider
package to inject MSTest TestContext into SpecFlow tests
Out of the box this package provides the ability to convert an enumerable of objects or a DataTable to a report in Excel or CSV. A report can also be manually constructed by building up Groups, Rows and Columns. This project has been written in an extensible way so new methods of creating and stylin...
Create a new issue in GitLab when a new error is logged on