Top 20 NuGet razor Packages

Razor based email sending for UniverCloud products
Server side extension of jQueryUI for ASP.NET MVC (.NETFramework,Version=v4.0)
Creating HTML output from Razor templates
Пакет заменяет стандартный WebViewPage, в cshtml появляются свойства Styles и Scripts.
Net Site Utility
Razor view compilation for compiling CSHTML files into DLLs.
Build-time references required to enable Razor view compilation as part of building the application.
Razor precompilation
Razor precompilation
Some userful extensions to utilize, like new HTML helpers for razor, etc.
Use Razor to build your templates from files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core. Note: This is a fork of RazorLight. Visit for the original package.
Use Razor to build your templates from strings / files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core
Harness razor templates for generating strings for file generation this is an alternative to using T4 templates
Render razor views as a string