Top 20 NuGet razor Packages

These components aim to provide the same components that are available in Semantic UI React, but for the new Blazor framework
A set of Tag Helpers that can capture aan html tag and render it later in another place.
Allows using real-word measurements to achieve relational comparisons of objects via CSS.
Razor is a markup syntax for adding server-side logic to web pages. This package contains a Razor language server.
A Blazor component for adding sections similar to ASP.NET Core MVC sections.
Toast notifications for Blazor Framework, simple to use.
A utility library for.Net Core 3.1 to be used with XpandableSoft.Standard.
Behaviors for Blazor. Extract functionality from a Component into a Behavior to make it reusable. Reuse it by adding Behaviors to a Component.
Feedback messages utility for .NET Web application. Display your feedbacks for web clients easily.
Blazor JavaScript Utilities.
The easiest way to interact with video for Blazor applications.
EzMail is a simple Razor Class Library designed to simplify the sending of email in .Net Core 3.1 apps.
Custom razor tags helper
此套件包含 ASP.NET Razor 的 繁體中文 附屬組件。
Il pacchetto contiene gli assembly satellite di ASP.NET Razor per l'italiano.
Ten pakiet zawiera zestawy satelickie dla języka polskiego dotyczące platformy ASP.NET Razor.
mvc razor templates
Composite C1 MVC Sample. Add this to a Composite C1 project and it will change your web.config for Razor intellisence and give you a sample View and Controller.
An extension for MVC HtmlHelper class to create POSTable checkbox list on a view, based on the data passed from the view model, or defined locally.