Top 20 NuGet razor Packages

RazorJam.Insightly.Net is a wrapper for the Insightly REST-based API v2.1 and preliminary support for v2.2.
This package includes the extension methods for CheckBoxList in ASP.NET MVC, offering the similar way of handling the model binding as the other ASP.NET MVC types.
DbWebApi .Net Client Library.
A library to test Asp.Net Core Mvc application forms from request through to (HTML) response.
Mailzory helps you to send emails which are based on Razor templates. Mailzory is dependent on RazorEngine project.
Renders HTML pager, works nicely with Bootstrap CSS
ContentEditableMvc lets you use the power of the HTML5 contenteditable attribute and Ajax to make content changes client side. Contains ContentEdit, MultilineContentEdit and DropDownContentEdit.
RazorMachine is a robust Razor 2.0/3.0 templating engine that supports layouts as well as a _viewStart construct like Asp.Net MVC
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
A collection of ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers.
A set of Tag Helpers that can capture a script block and render it later in another place.
Register markup sections from Razor views, partial views, HTML helpers or any reusable view component and render them in the layout
Gunnsoft ASP.NET Core Razor
This package contains the DRIVE.NET build of Microsoft.AspNet -- the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET.
A Blazor Component that brings Blazor-style static content to Razor Components
Razor Email Template Activity is an activity created for Uipath to generate HTML email body using Razor engine in a few handy and hassle-free steps. Now onwords all new development/version will publish with nuget package id "Emtec.RazorEmailTemplate.Activities"
A utility library for.Net Core 3.0 to be used with Xpandables.Standards.
Razor Email Template Activity is an activity created for Uipath to generate HTML email body using Razor engine in a few handy and hassle-free steps.