Top 20 NuGet project Packages

Build target for generating a T4 file with a list of assembly directives based on the projects references. References with a hint path and solution references will be listed the file. This file can then be included by other T4 files.
A .NET library to set the default StartUp project of a Visual Studio solution file
Injects a specific project with an extension so projects can be easily extended with custom build targets or properties without touching the project file and as a consequence thereof losing control and overview.
A Powershell module for building and NuGet-packing .Net projects. A convenient and easy to use module for those who need to package projects but don't have a full blown continuous-integration environment to do it for them.
MOQDigital empty BizTalk project templates
SolutionInspector checks your solution and projects against a plethora of different configurable rules to keep it tidy.
IQueryable automatic projection device. Easily convert IQueryable<Entity> to IQueryable<Dto> var dtoQuery = query.ProjectTo<OrderDto>();
Creates "Shared.props" file at the solution level, which can be used to specify massive changes to all the projects within a solution. Example scenarios: - specify assembly signing properties using the same *.snk file - set CopyLocal to False for certain references - enforce the same StyleCop or Fx...
...description will be provided later
FluentPS is an open source library to simplify development and improve maintainability of Project Server custom solutions by providing interface to PSI.
An MSBuild Extension package for including various platforms' (Android, Apple, Tizen, Web, Windows) default build items etc... in .NET projects.
Provides a re-factoring and re-imagining of the Code Fixes elements deployed in the default Analysis and Code Fixes project template. This particular assembly focuses on Code Fixes only as part of that re-factoring effort.
A wpf ui custom control library
************************************************************ Simple Monitoring Client ************************************************************ If you install this package, please insert this line of code: <view:MainUserControlView x:Name="MainUserControl" /> into your main window.
Supported file types are: .vbproj, .csproj, .fsproj, .sln, .cs, .vb, .fs
Simple, framework-version-independent XML-based parser of csproj files. Works with traditional .NET Framework csproj files (old and new) and modern .NET core csproj files
Office Interop Microsoft Office 2016
Opinionated F# OSS solution scaffold created by Ionide initative
Project templates that allow you to create Blazor applications with DevExpress components.