Top 20 NuGet project Packages
This facilitates UI and development work occurring almost simultaneously within the same codebase. UI developers write bindings to the ViewModel within their document markup (HTML), where the Model and ViewModel are maintained by developers working on the logic for the application.
Angular and Require.js base project
Visual Studio solution structure and settings validator.
Lets you add files to a visual studio project using c#
Microsoft ProjectServer on premise dlls repack.
Project Tango SDK Binding for Xamarin.Android (.NET)
his is a test NugetPackage
This package has been renamed to Cake.Incubator
Adds support for triggering PowerShell scripts on build events in Visual Studio.
Instead of using the Build Events of visual studio, this allows you to create PowerShell scripts that is called on different build steps.
This nuget package adds a convention to Visual Studio projects to allow building .config files depending on environment.
For example, if developers has different databases configured in web.config, this package can support each developer with a unique web.config.
Linq extension method AutoProjectInto, that automates projection of same-name, same-type properties in select statements.
Net Auth Client Loader
Microsoft Cognitive Services Search API Client Library