Top 20 NuGet project Packages
This sample project demonstrates how to switch and reload scenes, the use of disposing a scene, and scene saving.
This sample project shows how to implement simple top down movement functionality in a Duality project.
Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analytics API Client Library
Adds PowerShell scripts for misc operations
Functionality for working with Visual Studio.
This package extends MSBuilder.GenerateAssemblyInfo to also generate a static
`ThisAssembly.Metadata` class with the `@(AssemblyAttribute)` attributes that
have `Include="System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute"`.
So for an attribute like:
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttri...
A console logger that logs only targets being built.
just a group of classes that i am too lazy to rewrite, don't use these unless you know what you are doing
Provides a re-factoring and re-imagining of the Code Fixes elements deployed in the default Analysis and Code Fixes project template. This particular assembly focuses on Code Fixes only as part of that re-factoring effort.
.Net models starter project that sets up the basic project structure and includes code samples of EntityFramework and FluentMigrator.
Basic mvc starter project that sets up the basic project structure and uses many useful packages such as: StructureMap, FluentValidator, FluentMigrator, Elmah, Value Injector, MvcFlash, Json.Net etc.
This project allows you to provide any web application with views, stylsheets and scripts embedded in an assembly by using the virtual file system of ASP.NET.
A build task to create a wrapper for the Profile in Web Application Projects.
Automatic export template from current project feature in Visual Studio 2013.
Provides a reusable approach to handling project templates that contain multiple projects.
MPF Implementation of VS Projects
* Perform basic and more complex calculations with Fractions.
* Convert different units (length, speed, mass, area, volyme), and numeral systems.
* Include Coordinates to perform simple and more advanced calculations such as Slope, MidPoint, Distance.
* Perform calculations with geometrical shapes (...
Package description
A collection of tools for working with C# and other code
.Net connector for Tom PIT cloud solutions.