Top 20 NuGet pattern Packages

F# Active pattern functions for Roslyn Compiler Platform
File Management solution integrating 3rd party storage providers such as S3 and dropbox.
A dll for quickly setting up a NHibernate Repository
A dll for quickly setting up a NHibernate Repository
An implementation of the option pattern for .NET.
Package for CRUD operations using a HTTP Client. Works best when used with a Controller using Entity Framework actions
Provides some Dictionaries, that generate their values on requst unsing a factoy. The dictionaries are not thread safe. The dictionary used different caching techniques like CacheAll, WeakReferences and AccesBases cached,
This is an entity framework manager which assists in deploying base repository for models, caching of result and transaction base architecture
Selenium for the Console!
This package working based a specific structure. all mapping classes must be inside context project.
A generic implementation of the specification pattern.
A pattern recognition library using a fluent api
Template for new, empty MVC4 projects to integrate AngularJs, MVC4, WebApi. Implements a client side Repository pattern and C#-Like controllers.
An extensible command processor pattern implementation.
This is a repository pattern abstractions.
Provides additional types and methods allowing patternamtching to return discriminatedunions. You can now return different types with patternamtching;and return a discriminated union of these types.
Async data access implemantacion for MongoDB based on repository pattern.