Top 20 NuGet pattern Packages

Base classes for commands and input/output validations
Provides extensions for testing usage of SqlRepo components using NSubstitute
Generic base interfaces needed for implementing a very basic repository pattern in your project.
The Langly runtime.
Abstract base class for SQLite repositories.
A type-safe enum pattern (aka "smart enum") implementation including "smart constant" as well.
A strategy pattern implementation for .NET.
Signature / Pattern Scanner
Extensions for Command Query Responsability Segregation with Mediator, supporting Dependency Injection and extensible middleware based pipelines.
Domain validation is a library that helps to validates complex business rules with specification pattern.
Microsoft dependency extensions for ConveyR
A set of Step Functions high-level patterns. (Stability: Experimental)
Library to use dapper as repository
Unit of work framework
Unity integration for Logic Data Access
Entity Framework Repository, Unit of Work Interfaces and Abstract DbContextRepository, DbContextUnitOfWork derived from Interfaces.
Entity Framework implementation for Queries with Waffle.
Unity implementation for the Waffle.