Top 20 NuGet pattern Packages

This is an entity framework manager which assists in deploying base repository for models, caching of result and transaction base architecture
Entity Framework Context Library (ECL) provides DbContextFactory to support mutliple DbContext instances within a UnitOfWork transaction scope through UnitOfWorkManager, using Entity Framework 7.
The specification Pattern is a great way to validate complex business rules in Domain.
A pattern matching library in C#
Succinc<T> is a .NET library that adds a number of functional features to C#: * Discriminated unions, * Pattern matching, * Partial applications, * "Implicitly" typed lambdas, * The ability to treat void methods as Unit functions, * Replacements for TryParse methods that return an Option<T> (or Mayb...
CommonProvider is a simple library that gives you an easy and consistent way of loading and accessing your providers/strategies.
A port of Redux to .NET
Interfaces and base implementation for the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern.
Interfaces and base implementation for the Specification pattern.
A simple utility library
This package contains base interfaces that enable developers to implement Unit Of Work and Repository patterns with data stores.
Regular Expression Pattern Builder
UnitOfWork for LiteDB
RevStack Design Pattern class library
Provides a functional fluent syntax for C# based apps
Simple type safe pattern matching for C#
circuit breaker pattern
DataMapper T4
Chequered is a pattern library.