Top 20 NuGet netmf Packages

BME280 temperature and pressure sensor driver for Netduino.Foundation
AT24Cxx EEPROM driver for Netduino.Foundation
ADXL362 motion sensor driver for Netduino.Foundation
ADXL335 motion sensor driver for Netduino.Foundation
74595 shift register driver for Netduino.Foundation
Netduino network initializer
TextDisplay menu for Netduino.Foundation
x74595 for Netduino.Foundation
MCP23008 driver for Netduino.Foundation
Standard 4-line LCD driver for Netduino.Foundation
DS18B20 temperature sensor driver for Netduino.Foundation
Color TFT SPI display drivers for Netduino.Foundation (ILI9163, ILI9341, S6D02A1, ST7735)
HYSRF05 distance sensor driver for Netduino.Foundation
HCSR04 distance sensor driver for Netduino.Foundation
This is the Gsiot.Server project used in the "Getting Started with the Internet of Things" book by Cuno Pfister (O'Reilly Media).
A math library for .NET Micro Framework. Contains definitions for Angle, 2D and 3D vectors, with Int32 or Single coordinates.
A Twitter OAuth API library for the .NET Micro Framework. Requires NETMF v4.3 and a board that supports SSL.
".NET Micro Framework - Common Extensions" is designed to provide additional functionality to the core .NET Micro framework to fill common usage gaps between NetMf and it's bigger .NET framework cousins.
.Net Micro Framework Unit Testing Library
This library allows to control LEGO power functions components like motors, servos, LEDs etc. using Netduino and .NET Micro Framework. If you are familiar with both LEGO and Netduino, build your LEGO Technics vehicle, robot or LEGO city railroad go on and have fun with it. Only components you need i...