Top 20 NuGet netmf Packages
Provides some useful extensions to .NET Standard, TinyCLR and .NET Micro Framework.
uScoober Driver: Boards.Netduino
.NET Micro Framework HTTP client for Azure IoT Devices using Eclo Solutions SIM800H IoT module.
Versions available for .NETMF v4.3 and v4.4
This package is based in the official Azure Devices SDK code with the required changes to use the SIM800H dri...
This package includes the Windows.Devices.Pwm assembly for nanoFramework C# projects. This package requires a target with Windows.Devices.Pwm v100.1.3.3.
This package includes the Windows.Devices.Adc assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with Windows.Devices.Adc v100.1.3.3.
This package includes the nanoFramework.Hardware.Stm32 assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with nanoFramework.Hardware.Stm32 v100.0.5.1 (checksum 0xFE16F347).
This package includes the System.Text assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with System.Text v100.0.0.1 (checksum 0x8E6EB73D).
An MSBuild SDK package for SDK-style .NET projects that has additional targets and properties which extends `Microsoft.NET.Sdk`.
Collection of GUI controls for NETMF.
Tools for launching apps in new AppDomains
This library provides Networking helper classes for accessing Microsoft Azure Storage Services using the PervasiveDigital serial wifi stack and .Net Micro Framework
uScoober.TestFramework: Graphic Display Interface
This is a compact version of AMQP.Net Lite for .Net nanoFramework on memory/space constrained devices.
This package includes the System.Net.Http assembly (server API only) for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
There is also a package with the client API only and another with the full API.
This package includes the System.Net.Http assembly (client API only) for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
There is also a package with the server API only and another with the full API.
M2Mqtt is a MQTT client available for .NET nanoFramework for M2M communication.
This package includes the nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32.Rmt assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32.Rmt v100.0.5.1 (checksum 0x8ADAC728).
uScoober Feature: DataStructures.NotifyCollection
uScoober Driver: Motors.BrushlessSpeedController
uScoober.TestFramework: THE test framework for NETMF