Top 20 NuGet netmf Packages
This package includes the Windows.Devices.Gpio assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with Windows.Devices.Gpio v100.1.2.2 (checksum 0xC41539BE).
This package includes the Windows.Devices.I2c assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with Windows.Devices.I2c v.
M2Mqtt is a MQTT client available for all .Net platform (.Net Framework, .Net Compact Framework and .Net Micro Framework) and WinRT platform (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1) for M2M communication.
.NET library for parsing and generating JSON documents
Emitter is an MQTT client tailored for service, allowing real-time publish subscribe. It supports full .Net Framework, .Net Micro Framework and WinRT platform (Windows 8+ and Windows Phone 8+).
This package includes the Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication v100.1.1.2 (checksum 0x34BAF06E).
This package includes the nanoFramework System.Net assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with System.Net v100.2.0.11 (checksum 0xD82C1452).
This package includes the Windows.Devices.Spi assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with Windows.Devices.Spi v100.1.4.2.
This package includes the nanoFramework.Runtime.Events assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with nanoFramework.Runtime.Events v100.0.8.0 (checksum 0x0EAB00C9).
This package includes the System.Devices.Dac assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with System.Devices.Dac v100.0.0.6.
This package includes the nanoFramework.Runtime.Native assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with nanoFramework.Runtime.Native v100.0.10.0 (checksum 0x0EAE898B).
This package includes the Windows.Storage.Streams assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
This package includes the nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32 assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
The nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32 assembly contains functions specific to the ESP32 device.
This package requires a target with nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32 v100.0.10.0 (checksum 0x6A20A689).
This package includes the nanoFramework.Networking.Sntp assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with nanoFramework.Networking.Sntp v100.0.4.4 (checksum 0xE2D9BDED).
This package includes the Windows.Devices.Wifi assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with Windows.Devices.Wifi v (checksum 0xA94A849E).
This package includes the CoreLibrary assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with mscorlib v100.5.0.23 (checksum 0x9F295833).
In case you don't need the System.Reflection API there is another NuGet package without this API.
.Net Micro Framework Unit Testing Core Libraries.
This is a lightweight AMQP 1.0 library for .Net Micro Framework (netmf). A more compact version
for NETMF is available in the AmqpNetMicro package.
This package includes the nanoFramework.Windows.Storage assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
This package requires a target with nanoFramework.Windows.Storage v100.0.3.0 (checksum 0xF0C37E1B).
This package includes the System.Net.Http assembly for .NET nanoFramework C# projects.
There are also two other packages with just the client API and just the server API.
These are meant to be used when there is the need to use smaller assemblies.