Top 20 NuGet monogame Packages

Put some text on the screen easier with MonoGame
Leaderboards wrapper around the PlayFab Xamarin client SDK
MonoGame library for periodically asking the user to rate your app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store
MonoGame is an open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework. The goal is to make it easy for XNA developers to create cross-platform games with extremely high code reuse. This package provides you with the content pipeline for Windows, Mac and Linux which is used to compile raw con...
Aether.Physics2D is a 2D collision detection system.
Nez is a free 2D focused framework that works with MonoGame and FNA.
Provides core types and classes to use Graffiti on the Windows Phone 7 platform
Provides core types and classes to use Graffiti on the Windows 8 (Win RT) platform
Cocos2D-XNA is a simple game engine typically used for 2D games, educational software and 2D visualizations. This code allows games to be built with a write-once, run-anywhere approach. This package will add the Cocos2D-XNA dependencies to a Windows XNA game.
MonoGame module for Gemini, providing WPF integration for MonoGame content.
Inspector.MonoGame module for Gemini, adding editors for MonoGame types to the Inspector module.
Terrarium provides a great way for developers to learn about the .NET programming model and language as they develop creatures and introduce them into a peer-to-peer ecosystem.
Using a sprite sheet (or texture atlas) increases your game's performance while also reducing the amount of memory. This library includes a loader and sprite renderer to load animations and sprites from a sprite sheet created with TexturePacker. Its source code can be found on
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI for .NET or Mono. It's Portable Class Library. This package supports 3 engines - CocosSharp, FNA, MonoGame.
CocosSharp's Custome Content Importers for Mac.
Pipeline tool for building CocosSharp's Content on Windows.
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI for .NET or Mono. This package contains only UI Generator and Designer.