Top 20 NuGet math Packages

Package Description
Lightweight library for graph analysis like shortest path calculation, cycle determination, ...
A math library for .NET Micro Framework. Contains definitions for Angle, 2D and 3D vectors, with Int32 or Single coordinates.
Small and lightweight 3D vector and matrix library for .NET 4.0.
A .NET component for easy access to parsing simple math and scripting.
A library for working with intervals and sets. Includes a generic interface so that intervals of any type may be created.
Reads and evaluates string representations of mathematical formulae. Can be used for solving equations or plotting graphs. eg. var formula = MathParse.Parse("3sinx + 1"); return formula.Evaluate(Math.Pi); will return 1 (which is 3sinπ + 1)
NOTE: since v1.2.0 it's a Portable Class Library. Due to the nature of Portable Class Libraries, it's not possible to maintain the System.Windows.Media.Media3D namespace (and extending it). Instead all classes now orignate from TCD.Mathematics TCD.Mathematics provides classrs, which allow advanced ...
A computational geometry and math library for the CLR with potential medical, gaming, and GIS uses.
Port of LAPACK and BLAS libraries to .NET
math tool use
A C# library for parsing mathematical expressions with support for parentheses and variables.
Defines a method Math.seedrandom() that, when called, substitutes an explicitly seeded RC4-based algorithm for Math.random(). Also supports automatic seeding from local or network sources of entropy.
Basic handy math and geometry utilities, mainly extensions to the core number types.
This is an expression parser with an emphasis on versatility. Custom types, operators, functions, etc. can be constructed to accomodate a large collection of application.