Top 20 NuGet math Packages

Mathematical library
Mathematical library
Simple mathematical odds and sods for .Net.
MathCore Library - Linear Algebra
MathCore Library - Numerical Analysis
MathCore Library - SpecialFunctions
MathCore Library - Statistics
A parser and compiler for arithmetic expressions, with error reporting. Inspired by Roslyn.
A simple library for Linear Algebra.
A helpful library for including signals into your domain model.
Easy to use library for computing math formulas, mean and proportion. Is a basis of Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries. var calc = new Calculator("8^2+5-cos(2*PI)"); var result = calc.Compute(); // result = 68"
Easy to use library for computing derivative and function value at given point. var derivative = new Derivative("x^2 + 5 - cos(2 * PI * x)"); var result = derivative.ComputeDerivative(1); // result = 2
Easy to use library for computing differential equations. var math = new Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries.Differential.Differential(""3*x^2-5""); var result = math.ComputeDifferential(4, 2, 0); // result = 46
Easy to use library for computing zero (root) of a function. var math = new FunctionRoot.Hybrid("(x+1)^2-9", 0, 1.5); var result = math.ComputeHybrid(); // result = 2
Library for computing linear equations
MathExtensions is a library for .NET that aims to provide useful extensions methods regarding various mathematical domains, like combinatorics, sequence analysis, sequence generation, sequence manipulation, random extractions, etc.
.NETStandard subset fork of Jon Skeet's Miscutil generic Operator. Uses lazy compiled lambdas to avoid exceptions encountered with MiscUtil.
The Math Collection is a project that contains mathematical concepts
Parse math expressions, generate lambda expressions and compiled functions.